Driving along the fjords on the westcoast in Norway is mostly a very nice experience. The blue fjord on one side, and steep mountains up on the other side. Very often water is running down the mountainsides, sometimes just small dripples other times beautiful waterfalls.
Det å kjøre langs vestkysten i Norge er for det meste en fin opplevelse. Den blå fjorden på ene sida, og bratte fjellet på den andre. Ofte renner det vann ned langs fjellsida, noen ganger bare snå drypp andre ganger vakre fosser.
Langfossen Waterfall / Langfossen

Vøringfossen, en våre mer spektaktulære fosser.
You all know that all the Trolls live in the Norwegian mountains. The Trolls are bigger than any man can imagine, and the waterfalls are troll's-pee;)) And if you ever come to Norway, and see the amount of Waterfalls, just imagine the amount of Trolls in our Mountains! But they are nice!
Har du forresten hørt historien om hva de norske fossene virkelig er?
Du vet at alle Trollene bor i de Norske fjellene. Trollene er større enn noe menneske kan tenke seg, og fossene er trolltiss;)) Når du da tenker på hvor mange fossen vi har hvor hange troll må det ikke være i fjellene våre?? Men de er jo vennligsinnede!
Welcome to Norway, country of the fjords and mountains = WATERFALLS (and the Trolls)
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I think I'll skip the Trolls, but the waterfalls look great.I love 'In the Hall of the Mountain King' by the way.I've been to Finland, but I'm afraid I missed Norway.
SvarSlettBeautiful waterfalls! I would love to see Norway some day. Very funny about the trolls.
SvarSlettFantastiskt flotta vattenfall. Jag har åkt igenom hela Gudbrandsdalen från norr till söder, men jag tror inte jag såg så flotta vattenfall där.
SvarSlettthanks for visiting
SvarSlettand your favorite was?
Well, now I know *the real story* about waterfalls! Thanks for sharing these gorgeous photos.
SvarSlettSo, what about the waterfalls in other countries? What are they made of?
SvarSlettI am in awe at such beautiful photos - and impressive waterfalls. Waterfalls are some of my favorite bits of beauty to look at - so pretty, so powerful. Thank you for sharing these ones - and the folklore that go with them.
SvarSlettAh, now I finally know where the waterfalls come from. in that case, we must have al lot of trolls in our mountain in Taiwan too. they are beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing.
SvarSlettI love the story of the water falls...I adore trolls.
SvarSlettNorway looks beautiful...I must get traveling....
Wonderful photos, and I love the story of the trolls!
SvarSlettOn behalf of the ABC Team, thanks for your participation.